Friday, 23 May 2008

Crafting was probably the worse hobby I could have chosen. I admit that I am a hoarder anyway and in crafting you are always told never to throw anything away so that was like the proverbial red rag to a bull. To make matters worse I can create clutter just by walking into a room so my craft room looks like it has been ransacked! Every now and again when my actual workspace has reached the size of a 6 x 6 card I clear the desk but within a couple of crafting sessions I am back to square one.

My long suffering hubby never says a word, even though it is like an obstacle course to get from the door to the wardrobe and only once has he ever said "haven't you got enough rubber stamps"?

I don't think I have a particular style but I will let you decide once I have uploaded some card samples, that is if anyone has a look.

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