Thursday, 29 May 2008
These stamps, if you haven't heard of them before, are really big at the moment. Of course, I blame one of my team mates on UKScrappers for getting me hooked in the first place. Naming no names but I think you know who you are - Tracey - oops!
Anyway, I really shouldn't buy anything else this month unless it is for my holiday and I still need a pair of sandals. As my birthday falls while I am away I was going to have money off my DOH to spend whilst away then my car needed two new tyres so they are now my present, still I think I have actually made on that one as they were £70 each.
I am hoping the Basic Grey magnetic clasps will be there when I get home tonight so I can finish of an ATC folder I have made. No pictures of it yet, but will download them once I have sent it off to it's new home.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Holiday Countdown
Monday, 26 May 2008

These are two lo of my dearly departed Tabby - Eric. He was a stray that chose to live with us and we had him for many years. He died 2 years ago and my garden seems really empty without him. He was such a happy cat and always glad to see us. He would come trotting across the garden when you got home and on picking him up he would put his paws round my neck and rub head head over my face. Just thinking about him makes me smile I just wish he were still will us, but he had a wonderful life and so I am thankful that he chose us and we didn't let him down. The other cats also thought the world of him, especially Oscar who would pester the life out of him but Eric was so patient with him and never ever nasty.
Friday, 23 May 2008

This is Willow, also a Birman. She is a little sweetie most of the time but get's very annoyed with the boys if they start playing rough. She loves to sit on you and knead you and purrs away whilst doing it. She can be very noisy, especially when she is hungry and she will sit on the worktop when you are putting her food out and will bite your sleeve if you aren't doing it quickly enough.
So, now you have seen all three of my beautiful cats and you will see a lot more of them in the future.
This is Toby my beautiful Birman boy. Isn't he gorgeous, I could look at that face all day. He is quite a softy and loves to follow me round like a little dog, he also has a habit of nipping you, noses, chin's, legs, nothing is safe, I don't know why he does it. He loves to chase round the house after Willow and Oscar. He is scared of anything and everything though which I find sad, he will run off when you change the bin bag and if you get something out of the cupboard that he hasn't seen before you won't see him for dust. Fortunately he does enjoy being brushed!.

My long suffering hubby never says a word, even though it is like an obstacle course to get from the door to the wardrobe and only once has he ever said "haven't you got enough rubber stamps"?
I don't think I have a particular style but I will let you decide once I have uploaded some card samples, that is if anyone has a look.